Events and conferences
InterUNIgualES Conference
On the 19th and 20th May, we held the InterUNIgualES Conference to share the results of the UNIGUAL research project (Ref: Fem2017-86004-R).
The conference took place online, with special guests and speakers Andrea Krizsan and Petra Meier alongside our team: Alba Alonso, Arantxa Elizondo, Maria Bustelo, Cecilia Castaño, Isabel Diz, Emanuela Lombardo, Olga Salido, Becky Tildesley and Tània Verge. We also held a round table with representatives of the Spanish Universities Equality Units Network (RUIGEU).
The InterUNIgualES Conference was financed by the Spanish government's Institute for Women and Equal Opportunities and was organised by Dr MaríaCaterina.
For more information about the event, speakers and presentations please visit the website.
XV Conference, AECPA
Our request to hold a working group at the XV AECPA Congress has been accepted! Emanuela Lombardo and María Bustelo will coordinate the working group that will focus on analysing factors, actors and discourses that are at stake in the implementation of equality policies at the University with special attention to resistance against the implementation of equality measures and counter-resistance strategies articulated by gender equality change agents.
A full summary can be viewed here:
The call for papers will close soon - April 26th. We encourage you to send abstracts!
The congress will be held virtually on the 7-9th July.
Conferences 2021
On the 15th March, members of the UNIGUAL team attended the 8th Congress of the Spanish Network of Social Politics (VIII Congreso de la Red Española de Política Social).
Alba Alonso and Arantxa Elizondo chaired the session "Equality policies in universities: alliances and obstacles" and our members will present the following papers:
- Rebecca Tildesley, Emanuela Lombardo and Tània Verge "Power struggles in the implementation of gender equality policies in universities: dynamics of resistance and counter-resistance in universities".
- Rebecca Tildesley "Resistances to mainstreaming gender into university research policy: a comparative case study of Catalan universities".
- María Bustelo Ruesta, Marina Onetti and Alma Porta Lledó "El estudio del acoso sexual, sexista, por orientación sexual y por identidad o expresión de género en el ámbito universitario: una metodología para su estudio".
- Isabel Diaz Otero "La presencia de las mujeres en el gobierno de las universidades".
See the full panel program here.
Conferences 2020
Annual Conference RUIGEU
The UNIGUAL team were invited to attend the annual conference of the Red de Unidades de Igualdad de género para la excelencia universitaria (RUIGEU), held the 15-17th September 2020. The event, that connects its members from university equality units, offices, observatories, commissions, secretariats across Spain, consists of a series of roundtables, seminars and workshops and is a key forum in which best practices for the achievement of the effective implementation of gender equality policy are shared.
- Alba Alonso, Rebecca Tildesley, and Isabel Diz from the UNIGUAL team ran a virtual workshop entitled "How to survive being responsable for the Equality Unit? Obstacles to the implementation of equality measures in universities and strategies to overcome them", with collaboration from Lorena Pajares from the SUPERA Project. The workshop was attended by a total of 15 Equality Unit directors from distinct universities who provided us with important insights for future analysis and research.
- UNIGUAL PI, Emanuela Lombardo, was invited to present her research, "Is sexual assault in the university normal? Opportunities and obstacles for the implementation of equality policies in Spanish universities", in the last seminar of the conference concerning the State Pact and measures to combat gender violence in university environments. Watch the presentation here.
Click here to see the full agenda.
Suspended Conferences
This year, the UNIGUAL team was due to present their research articles at the following conferences - The 26th International Political Science Association World Congress of Political Science (IPSA) in Lisbon, The VII Congreso de la Red española de Política Social (REPS) in Bilbao, and The Gender Equality in Higher Education Conference (GEHE) in Madrid. These events have been suspended and moved to 2021 due to the COVID-19 crisis.
Conferences 2019
In 2019, the UNIGUAL team, alongside researchers from other European universities, presented the research project’s preliminary findings and insights in panels at the Council for European Studies Conference in Madrid, the European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG) en Ámsterdam and the XIV Congreso AECPA en Salamanca.
XIV AECPA Congress, Salamanca, 10-12 July 2019.
Isabel Diz and Alba Alonso presented and chaired the panel “Las políticas de igualdad de género en las universidades europeas y españolas: alianzas y obstáculos” (Gender equality policies in European and Spanish Universities: alliances and obstacles) at the AECPA Congress in Salamanca.
Papers presented by the UNIGUAL team:
- “The implementation of gender+ equality policies in Spanish universities: oppositions and alliances to measures against sexual and sexist harassment”, María Bustelo and EmanuelaLombardo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
- “Resistance to women’s representation in Spanish universities”, Isabel Diz and Alba Alonso, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
ECPG Conference, Amsterdam, 4-6 July 2019
Emanuela Lombardo chaired the panel “Gender+ equality policies in European universities: alliances and oppositions in agenda-setting and implementation processes”, with María Bustelo as a discussant, at the European Conference of Politics and Gender in Amsterdam.
The papers presented were by members of the UNIGUAL team as well as researchers from other European universities.
Papers presented by the UNIGUAL team:
- “The implementation of gender+ equality policies in Spanish universities: oppositions and alliances to measures against sexual and sexist harassment”, María Bustelo and Emanuela Lombardo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
- “Velvet triangles for engendering the higher education curriculum”, Tània Verge, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
- “Resistance to women’s representation in Spanish universities”, Isabel Diz and Alba Alonso, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
- “The institutionalization of equality policies: Tension between progress, resistance, and strategic actions by Gender Equality Units (GEUs)”, Cecilia Castaño and Susana Vázquez- Cupeiro, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Council of European Studies Congress, Madrid, 20-22 June 2019.
At the Universidad Carlos 3 for the CES Congress, the UNIGUAL team presented the panel “Gender+ equality policies in European universities: alliances and oppositions in agenda-setting and implementation processes”. Emanuela Lombardo chaired the panel and María Bustelo was a discussant.
Papers presented by the UNIGUAL team:
- “The implementation of gender+ equality policies in Spanish universities: oppositions and alliances to measures against sexual and sexist harassment”, María Bustelo y Emanuela Lombardo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
- “Women´s presence in university government”, Alba Alonso y Isabel Diz, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
- “Progress and resistance to gender mainstreaming in Spanish public universities. The case of Gender Equality Units”, Cecilia Castaño y Susana Vázquez-Cupeiro, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Other conferences and papers (2021, 2020, 2019 & 2018)
Olga Salido presented the paper "Los efectos no previstos de la evaluación de la transferencia: un análisis del impacto de género" in the Seminar about 'Knowledge Transfer Evaluation' and its impact organised by the CSIC. Cordoba, 12-13 December.
Isabel Diz (USC) and Ángela Fernández, presented “La institucionalización de la igualdad en la universidad: las unidades de igualdad”, at the VI Xornada universitaria en Xénero. Universidade da Coruña, 14 June 2019
Susana Vázquez-Cupeiro and Cecilia Castaño presented “Resistencia trabajo de la Unidades de Igualdad de Género en las Universidades públicas españolas”, XIII Congreso Español de Sociología, 3-6 Julio 2019, GT12. Sociología del Género. Session 2. Políticas de Igualdad en las Universidades.
Cecilia Castaño and José Luís Martínez Cantos presented “División de Género del Trabajo en las Universidades Públicas Españolas”, at the Seminario EGECO, UCM, 23 May 2018.
Cecilia Castaño presented “División de género del trabajo en las universidades públicas reestructuradas” at the Congreso Internacional 70º Aniversario de la Declaración Internacional de los Derechos Humanos y la Lucha por la Igualdad Real y Efectiva, 10, 11 & 12 December 2018 Universidad de Salamanca.
María Bustelo presented“¿Cómo hacer evaluaciones de planes que sean útiles y efectivas?” and Tània Verge presented “La perspectiva de género en la docencia universitaria ” at the XIII Encuentro de la Red de Unidades de Igualdad de Género para la Excelencia Universitaria (RUIGEU), 4 & 5 April 2019, Alicante.
Tània Verge organized a one day seminar about the incorpoation of the gender perspective in the UPF, 30 May 2019. Videos of the day can be found here:
Seminars and Roundtables
Ministry of Universities Roundtable: "Equality policies in universities"
In honour of International Women's Day on the 8th March, the Ministry of Universities organised a round table entitled "Gender equality policies in universities". Our two principal researchers took part in the event; María Bustelo as the Roundtable moderator and Emanuela Lombardo as one of the expert participants.
The event was streamed live on the ministry's YouTube channel and the recording can be viewed here.

UNiGUAL Seminar 2020
On the 22nd of September 2020, the members of the UNIGUAL team met online to present and share their latest research on topics related to gender equality in Spanish universities and to receive feedback. Members of the GEYPO network also attended what was a fruitful and interesting morning of presentations and discussions. Click here for the agenda.

GEYPO Seminars
The UNIGUAL team participates in the Gender and Politics Research Seminars (GEYPO) and has organized the following events related to the project theme:
Gender and Politics Doctoral Seminar 18th June 2020
This year, the GEYPO seminar participants presented their PhD advances virtually and from all over the world. Our team member, Rebecca Tildesley also presented the first chapter of her thesis concerned with the implementation of gender equality policies in Spanish higher education.
Conference 18th September, 2019
With Mieke Verloo, Radboud University, Nijmegen: 'Understanding the threat of opposition to feminist politics in Europe: episteme, polity, economy and violence'.
Conference 24th April, 2019
With Petra Meier, University of Antwerp: 'Gender Equality in Academia: Issues, Solutions and why Resistance is not necessarily a Bad Thing'.
Seminar 27th June 2019

The annual GEYPO Doctoral seminar is an opportunity for researchers of themes related to gender and politics to share their thesis advancements and receive feedback.